Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hot hot hot coupon

Ok, now I have that song stuck in my head. I'm feeling hot, hot, hot. How you feeling? Hot, hot, hot. Totally side tracked there. have a $3/2 Right Guard coupon. Scroll right past the $1/1 and look for the $3/2. It is hot for the upcoming CVS deal. Gotta love free deodorant. Especially the way my husband goes through it. He goes through about 4 before I am done with my 1. And yes I put it on daily. He takes like 5 minutes per pit to apply. Like it works any better that way. I used to get so pissed before since I would pay $4 a pop every 2 weeks. Now I can let that pet peeve go. Now I just have 1,456,789,321 more to go.
According to WhoSaidNothingInLifeIsFree??? the deal is $2.99 at CVS and get a $2 ECB starting 5/9/10. You get a limit of 2. So that makes it a dollar money maker with the $3/2 coupon.! Thanks WhoSaidNothingInLifeIsFree for the heads up!!! And to CouponingtoDisney for getting me to move fast on the deal (I seriously jumped to get the coupon).

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